Monday, October 01, 2007

Faith-Based School Funding

It appears that John Tory has stepped on a political land mine when he included this in the Provincial Conservative's election platform. Even though Tory has modified his stand somewhat it is probably too late and will result in the re-election of the McGuinty government despite their record of lies, broken promises and poor performance.

The idea is to bring the thousands of children that attend these schools under the Ministry of Education so that they are taught the same curriculum and that those schools are up to provincial standards. A noble ideal and can only be achieved if the province provides them with funding. Either way these school will continue to exist and will not go away. Is it not better to insure that they are run in accordance with provincial standards?

But the Liberals have branded this as a devisive cause (although thay are the ones fanning the flames of division) by saying that this would detract from and take away money from the public school system and also subtly rasing the racist spectre of other than Christian faiths indoctrinating children.

It also is strange seeing that both Dalton McGuinty and his Education Minister Katleen Wynne have spoken in favour of this policy in the past but then why stand on your principles when political opportunism is so much easier. It's the Liberal way. And in fact Mr. McGuinty's four children attend or are currently attending the faith-based Roman Catholic school system that is funded by tax dollars and his wife was a teacher in this system as well. But apparently what works for his faith isn't to be available to others that don't share his beliefs.

Dalton McGuinty has shown himself to be not only a liar but now a bigot as well. Some leader.


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