Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oh, Rats!

Councilor Carpenter is now claiming that the building on the south side of Colborne St. ,that the city is expropriating, are so overrun with rats that they will need to be fumigated before being torn down to stop herds of displaced rats from running wild in the downtown. If this is really true and Mr. Carpenter has been aware of it, why did he allow this situation to exist? There is a Building Standards Bylaw with a section dealing with rodents and vermin. Why did he not see that it was enforced long ago? After all, there were several restaurants in this section (where was the Health Dept. for that matter?), not to mention a number of tenants living in these buildings as well. Shouldn't he have been concerned with the well being of the citizens of Brantford before this? Councilor Carpenter has expressed an interest in becoming the next mayor. Maybe a better position for him would be "Official Rat Catcher".


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