Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Status Quo

The Expositor is in favour of keeping the status quo by electing the McGuinty Liberals provincially and Dave Levac locally. They are also seemingly supporting the Conservative candidate in Haldimand- Norfork . This may seem strange but the Liberals really want nothing to do with any of the native conflicts and don't want a representative who will have to answer to the voters in this area. Besides McGuinty gutless handling of this issue has assured that no Liberal could be elected here anyway.

So if you like things the way they are just follow The Expositor's lead. Vote for more of the same. The same long waiting times for medical treatment and the same lack of doctors. The same delisting of services like eyesight testing. The same ever rising property taxes. The same rising electricity prices (just wait for the "smart meter). The same constant loss of high paying manufacturing jobs. The same lack of action when violence erupts at native occupations (you are on your own, Dalton is hiding under the bed). The same promises with the same lack of action. Things staying the same while being told how much better off we are.

The Expositor feels that John Tory should be punished for his change of policy on the faith-based school funding issue. What about McGuinty's changes of policy? Granted he never modified his positions during a campaign. He waited until he had grabbed power then reversed course. No new taxes? Oops, well just this one major regressive health tax. Funding for parents with autistic children? Well no, and he even fought them in court over it. The closing of all coal fired electricity plants by 2007? That has been pushed back so many times that who know when it might ever happen (and if it does we will all be in the dark literally). There are more lies and broken promises but of course Dalton must be forgiven and John Tory is the one who needs to be punished. So saith the Expositor in its infallible wisdom.


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