Sunday, May 03, 2009

Colborne St. Waste

How much of the 41 buildings on the south side of Colborne St. that the City of Brantford wants to expropriate and tear down will be recycled and how much of the concrete, bricks, plaster, mortar, and wood, and other stuff will go to filling up the city dump? My guess is that very little will be recycled and that tons and tons and tons of those buildings will end up as landfill.

Renovating and preserving these buildings would do a lot to follow the "green" mantra of reduce, reuse, and recycle. But that doesn't fit in with the council's grand scheme of things (which might be shared with us eventually). Ah, but the councilors are going to stop using plastic water bottle as their contribution to reducing global warming. I'm sure in their minds that one will offset the other.

Actions always speak much louder than lip service.


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