Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Stripped Of Your Money

The Burghers of Brantford in their infinite wisdom, got on their high moral horse (selective though it may be) and decided to rid Downtown Brantford of the scourge of a strip club. To do so, they bought the building that formerly housed "Moody's" and at a substantial premium to boot. This is supposed to rid the downtown of this den of iniquity and all the attendant perverted behavior that accompanies women removing their clothes for money. The City Council seems to conveniently overlook the fact that this club has not been in operation in over two years and a lot of unsavory stuff has been taking place in the downtown during this time despite the absence of the strippers. And even when this club was in operation there was far less police involvement at it than there is at the nearby Casino. Ah, but then the Casino provides lots of money to the city coffers while a strip club provides far less. Overlooked also is the fact that not that many years ago, gambling was considered and sin and a crime until the government saw what a cash cow it could be and got involved. Instead of organized crime controlling the numbers game, the Provincial Government now does. Maybe the government will become involve in the sex trade too and strip clubs will then receive the blessing of Council as well.

But rest easy dear citizens of Brantford the little angels that attend Laurier University will not have to put up with loud music, drunken behavior, pucking and urinating in the streets from patrons of a strip bar. They will be free to do this themselves. Just ask the neighbours in the Westdale area of Hamilton how well behaved university students are.

And while the rest of us struggle to clear snow from sidewalks and driveways because the city has no money for new technology that would alleviate these problems and as you pass your local crack house know that the downtown is now a safer place thanks to our self-righteous City Council. Because when it comes to Downtown spending the sky's the limit, just like your property tax increases.


Blogger Queenie said...

Hey hey now! I am an (older) university student and upon careful abservation of my fellow (90% female) students, I will just outright disagree that we like to urinate in the streets. We are a fairly calm bunch as far as students go.


7:13 AM  

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