Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dalton? Hello? Dalton?

Isn't it about time that the Provincial Government got involved in the ongoing land claims dispute in Brantford. The Natives claim that all the land in Brantford belongs to them including the land that the provincial courthouse sits on.

The province has an official land registry that issues deeds for property in Ontario, including Brantford. Either the Natives are correct and the Provincial Land Registry is a fraud and has been collecting fees for nothing and we have all been deceived about actually owning the property that our houses are built upon or the natives are wrong (after all there was a general surrender of these native lands in 1841) and the titles that the province issues are valid. But it's past time for Premier Dalton McGuinty to finally step up to the plate and issue a statement defending the Provincial Registry. Dalton has continually ducked any questions about these disputes and has avoided visiting this area like we all have the plague. His only statement about this matter is that if you find yourself involved in a land dispute "you are on your own". This is totally unacceptable and is a total lack of leadership. Step up Mr. Premier, or step down.


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