Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Y Not

The Provincial Liberal Government, conveniently, just before this fall's provincial election, have pledged $16 million for the proposed YMCA-Laurier athletic complex. This complex is supposed to be built on the now vacant south side of Colborne St. Now I realize that, as I grow older, my memory isn't what it used to be, but I just don't recall either the Y or Laurier actually obtaining ownership of this land.

And weren't we promised, that when these 40 building were destroyed, there was going to be public input to what would go in their place? I just don't recall this taking place either. And because Laurier doesn't pay civic taxes and the Y board, now run from Hamilton, has already applied for property tax exempt status, not only is the almost $200,000 in taxes that these buildings once generated now lost, it will never be replaced, making the downtown one of the costliest areas with very little in the way of taxes being generated.

Also with both Laurier and the Y being controlled by out of town boards, it leaves the City vulnerable to extortion pressures such as those recently seen from Mohawk College( i.e. gives us lots of money or we will go back home).


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