Saturday, September 27, 2008


Why does Brantford have an Official Plan and zoning by-laws if they can be amended at whim every time that a request is made? Why not just let anyone build whatever, wherever? Wouldn't it be simpler?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What's A Billion?

The Six Nations Indians, well at least the Confederacy Council (one of many groups who claim to represent the Haudenosaunee people) have rejected the $26 million offer to settle one of the various land claims. This is the one over the flooding of 2500 acres of land for the Welland Canal. Chief Allan MacNaughton has said that they want between a half billion and a billion dollars in compensation for this land plus a number of conditions, some of which are totally unacceptable. One of these was that the Federal Government was also to purchase land chosen by the Six Nations and then turn it over to them. Chief MacNaughton stressed that it wasn't necessarily to be farmland either. So much for the assertion that they don't want homes and property in Brantford and elsewhere.

Another condition was that no matter how much money the Government ends up paying for all settlements they will still be liable to fund all ongoing program and grants to the Six Nations. Strange how in one breath the Haudenosaunee people claim to be a "sovereign nation' but in the next they expect to be constantly supported by Canada forever.

Chief MacNaughton has also stated that there was never an explanation on how the $26 million figure was arrived at, even though the Federal negotiator has stated that they were shown three different formulas that were used. But of course, white men are all liars. Haven't seen how the $1 billion figure was arrived at either but I guess that's different too.

Using the Indian demand of a billion for this parcel of land that would work out to $400,000 per acre. So using that figure to settle all the 902,000 acres that the Indians claim that they were swindled out of (they now control about 48,000 of the original 950,00 in the Haldimand Tract) a settlement would cost the Government of Canada (you and me) roughly $360.8 billion dollars . No wonder that there seems to be no end in sight for these talks. But then as negotiator Ron Doering has pointed out there are those on the Indian side that don't want to see a settlement ever reached.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do As We Say, Not As We Do

Recently we have heard that the Indian protests are as much about environmental concerns and the paving over of land by these developments, as it is to do with the ownership of the land. And then low and behold in Saturday's paper is a two page spread about the development of a large toy warehouse on the Six Nation's Reserve. One that seems designed to cater to off-reserve residents. Funny how no groups protested or even attempted to stop this development. Does it not pave over land that could be used from farming or just left natural? And it is not just more concrete that seems to so disturb those activists and letter writers? But then it fits in well with the malls, factories, smoke shops, bingo halls, race track (no added pollution there), and of course housing that is constantly being built on the Reserve without complaint. No double standard there. Yeah, right!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A $140 Rip-Off

So the City will fill in the end of your driveway with snow when they are plowing the streets. And then for a measly $140 dollars more a year on top of your already high taxes, if you qualify, they will come along and remove this pile of snow. Thanks, but no thanks.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Kept In The Dark

Like mushrooms, the citizens of Brantford are being kept in the dark about the recent shooting in downtown Brantford. All that has been released publicly is that about six shots were fired and several struck a truck at the intersection of Queen and Dalhousie Streets injuring a passenger. Several also lodged in nearby stores. Unanswered is: was the truck and it's passengers the target? who is the injured person? was he a local citizen?were the police somehow involved? were drugs involved? or natives? what is known about the shooter or shooters?were they on foot or in another vehicle? where does the investigation stand? and the list goes on....

Why all the secrecy? If this was a shooting in any other community The Expositor would carry full details including the names of any victims. But when it happens practically on it's doorstep? Silence.

Misdirected Focus

The City has bought and removed the adult entertainment designation from the former downtown strip club. And all the massage parlors have been run out of business. And the police have arrested a number of men in a recent prostitution sting. So I guess all the undesirable elements have now been removed from the downtown. Well all except for whoever fired off about six shot at a truck and wounded a passenger a week ago. And whoever beat up another man on Market Street early this past Monday morning. So don't we all feel safer downtown now? Good job! Right!