Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Expositor Shows It's True Colours

After shocking me by actually backing the Conservative Party and local candidate Phil McColeman in the recent federal election the Brantford Expositor has now done an about face and returned to the Liberal fold by supporting this flat out power grab by the Liberals who are happy to abandon all of their principles and join with the NDP and the Separatist Bloc to form a government with rejected Liberal leader (for now) Dion as Prime Minister. A scheme cooked up right after the past election. Who are the actual ones with a so-called hidden agenda? The Expositor uses the feeble argument that the Conservatives only had the support of 37% of the voters and therefore more that 60% voted for someone else. They conveniently ignore the fact that in the last Ontario election the Liberal received only 5% more of the popular vote meaning almost 60% also voted for someone else as well. Does the Expositor feel that the Ontario Liberals under McGuinty are not entitled to govern the province either? And I don't see Premier McGuinty trying to co-operate with the opposition and their majority of supporters either. Remember this is the same Mr. McGuinty who outright lied to the people about not raising taxes and then when in power did exactly that.Ah, but there is a difference.One is the much hated (by the Expositor ) Conservative Party and the other is the "can't do anything wrong" Liberal Party.

Glad to see you are back on board with your Liberal love-in Mr. Editor.

Monday, December 01, 2008

A Naked Liberal Power Grab

Apparently the Federal Liberals so strongly believe that they have "the Divine Right" to rule Canada in perpetuity that they are willing to override the recent election results and disenfranchise the over 5.2 million voters who voted for Steven Harper and the Conservatives and to install themselves as the government no matter what. It can be argued that 62% of the voters rejected the Conservatives, but 74% of the voter also rejected Stephen Dion and his policies and a full 82% rejected Jack Layton and the NDP. And no one, not one voter, voted for this Coalition of the Liberals, NDP and of all parties the Bloc Quebecois who's stated intention is the dissolution of Canada. In fact, Dion claimed during the campaign that he would never form a coalition with the NDP. So much for honesty, eh Mr. Dion?And the Conservatives elected 143 members verses the combined total of both the Liberals and the NDP of only 114 seats. Now who deserves to be the Government of Canada?

Dion is so desperate to be seen, not as the loser that he is, that he is willing to compromise all his principles as an anti-separatist and bow to the wishes of the Bloc so that he can become Prime Minister. And then he claims to be talking the high moral ground. Don't make me puke! These are men and women who want to be called Honourable in their title because the are supposed to be serving Canada. There would be more honour in a room full of prostitutes and drug dealers.

And don't believe for one minute that any to these politicians are really doing it for the good of ordinary Canadians. It is all about power, ego and party politics and the threatened loss of their subsidy from the hard pressed Canadian taxpayers. Dion claims that Harper has lost the confidence of Canadians while just six short weeks ago the Conservatives gained seats in the general election while Dion and the Liberals hit an historic low. If Dion really believes this, let him have the courage to face the people in another election. It won't happen. He knows it's just another Liberal lie and he doesn't have the guts to face the people.

And another lie is that this was done because the Harper government hasn't provided enough stimulus to the economy. Well they have only be in place for less than two weeks. Wouldn't it be prudent to wait a few months to see what was really being proposed before pulling the rug out from under the government? It would be if this was the truth for these actions. And after all, the Liberals voted for the Speech from the Throne just days earlier. But no, as Harper predicted in the reason for calling the last election early, this is a dysfunctional Parliament and the plotting to subvert democracy was well underway before anything was presented in the House of Commons as witnessed in the recorded plotting of Jack Layton

And just what stimulus did these parties propose in their election platforms? Dion and his crippling Carbon Tax which the voters soundly rejected along with his proposal to raise the GST, another certain job killer. Or maybe it was Layton's proposal to raise Corporate taxes, something he has now abandoned so he can get appointed to a cabinet position. Some principles there Mr. Layton, Mr. Holier-than-Thou. And is it any surprise that one of those involved in forming this coalition was none other than Jean Chretien, the underhanded schemer of all underhanded schemers and the Finance Minister under Trudeau that started the deficit ball rolling?

And yes, there will be stimulus flowing from this government at unprecedented rates, needed or not. And much of it will flow to Quebec to the detriment of the rest of Canada. And just watch the deficits and debt sky rocket. Followed by huge tax increases, of course. Dion is already distorting the truth claiming that Canada is in deficit already. Sound familiar Mr. McGuinty?

If this coalition manages to grab power it will be a sad day for this country indeed. It will be the day that democracy died in Canada.


The No Democracy Party.