Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reduced To Rubble

It's full speed ahead for the destruction of the newly acquired (but not yet paid for) buildings on the south side of Colborne St. no matter what shape they are in or of what historic value they may have. Apparently the way to save the downtown is to destroy it as quickly as possible. I grew up in Brantford but with each passing day the downtown becomes less and less recognizable as my hometown. And if the city wants to save money, maybe they should disband the Brantford Fire Department. I remember those brave men risking their lives in several valiant battles to save many of those buildings that are now lost. Who knew that it would have been preferable just to let the whole place burn to the ground?

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Blast

Well actually, no Blast. The City missed a deadline to come to terms withe the owner of The Branford Blast to continue operating at the Civic Centre for the coming season. In fact, it seems that those on the city side weren't even aware that there was a deadline. Is anyone really surprised? After all this is a very dysfunctional administration where important departments are feuding with each other to the point of not even talking to one another, they don't seem to inform the Council or Mayor about important matters, they prefer most things to be kept secret and often times seem to be following their own agendas that are at cross purposes to the interests of the city taxpayers. And those same taxpayer end up losing again.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Negative! Negative!

I don't know if Mark Littell ever reads this blog. Or if he is even aware of it's existence. Probably not. But if he did I'm sure that he would stick me with the negative label that he seems to slap on those who dare to question his vision and his insistence on how much the Colborne St. expropriation will end up costing the taxpayers of Brantford. He can keep repeating that the final price tag will be no more than $10.5 million but unless some very creative accounting is used , it will be much closer to $50 million, if not more.

And Councilor Sless, after doing the right thing and voting against this project, has now jumped on the bandwagon saying that because it was supported by a majority of democratically (a questionable term) elected representatives, the opposition should cease. So does that mean if the Province passes a measure that the Brantford Council doesn't like Mr. Sless will not oppose it for the same reason? Way to fold, Mr. Sless.

As for a majority of Brantford citizens supporting this project, that remains to be seen. Mr. Littell's questioning of ten people and only finding one opposed is hardly the overwhelming support that he makes it out to be. Of course people located in the downtown are going to support this move. If the city were to spend $10+ to improve my neighbourhood, I mostly likely would support it too, as misguided as it would be. And any Expositor phone-in or internet poll is far from scientific, notwithstanding the fact that the owners of The Expositor have a vested financial interest in the downtown as well.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A Done Deal

So it's now a done deal. The City of Brantford is going to forge ahead with the expropriation of 41 properties on the south side of Colborne St. despite the fact that they have never justified the need for so many properties. The plans for the Y and Laurier University only involve a fraction of the total. (Mark my words, within five years a new City Hall will be on this property as well.)

A full costing of this project has not even been done and Councilor Littell can claim all he wants that it won't cost more than $10.5 million (a pretty hefty sum for overtaxedpayers by itself) but it most certain will be far more. $25-50 million or more is more likely.

Yep, it's a done deal, and those who are done like dinner are the Brantford taxpayers.