Nine years of Chris Friel's childish antics as mayor were more than enough. His arrogance, petulant pouting, and confontational style wore thin long ago. I'm not that fond of Mike Hancock either but his leadership style is far superior to that of Friel's.
Chris Friel claims that he is a man of "vision" but it seems that his visions are of tax dollar dancing in his head. And his views on downtown are more backwards than forward looking. He is also touting the environment but has no real details on how he would make any changes and besides there is little that a city council can do to affect this problem.
I remember in his second term when he decided he didn't want the job and went around slacking off and saying he was so relieved to be "free" ( I think he even sang about being free) only to jump back in at the last moment after others had declared for the position.
And once again he has jumped in at the last minute. Could it be coincidence that it happened after he lost his previous job and needed a regular paycheck?
I say give him his previous wish and keep him "free" and us free of his games. Four more years of Friel would be four more years too many. We don't need to provide him with a job just because he can't find another one that suits him.